Simple + Robust

The Gigfiliate platform was built based on decades of experience. We've scaled our own e-commerce brands from ideas to exits. All of our learnings and best practices are incorporated.

We built Gigfiliate to be simple, yet very robust.

  • Affiliate Platforms

    Traditional affiliate platforms are usually easy to install, however they are limited in scope and features. They also have disconnected user experiences.

  • Gigfiliate

    Gigfiliate fills the void in the market. Our SaaS platform is easy to install, has robust features and is integrated directly into your e-commerce platform for optimal user experiences.

  • MLM Platforms

    Traditional MLM (mult-level marketing) or Direct Selling platforms are expensive, complex and typically built on "older" technology platforms. AND, the traditional MLM model is out of date.

#1 super affiliate sass platform for woocommerce

Features + Metrics

The images to the left highlight our robust WooCommerce Plug-in. Improve visibility and decision-making while scaling your sales.

Fully integrating our hybrid compensation plan into systems like WooCommerce, simplify the user experience for both the brand and the brand ambassadors.