Unique to Gigfiliate + Patent Pending
Based on our unique experiences, we have created an innovative model called "Collectives". We are the first super affiliate platform to offer this to our clients and are seeking patent protection.
"Rising tides lifts all ships" is the underlying philosophy of "Collectives".
Basically, a Collective includes multiple brands sharing the same compensation plan. This leverages the super affilaites of all the brands in the Collective to help each other scale. Let's go!
45% Margin
This Collective includes the highest paying compensation plan for super affiliates. Typically brands in this collective average 70-90% gross margins. The top earning super affiliates sell to customers are refer other super affiliates.
35% Margin
This Collective is a hybrid of the 45% Collective and the 25% Collective. The main focus is on referring Customers, however there are some super affiliates who refer other super affiliates.
25% Margin
This Collective is for brands looking to spend less on a compensation plan or are brands which are resellers and don't have the margin space to offer more earnings. The main focus of this Collective is referring customers.
VC and PE firms - want to create your own Collective within your investment porfolio? Increase the engagement and scale your portfolio brands with a Collective of super affiliates.